Lake Rules

Angling Etiquette and Regulations

Equipment Usage: Only landing nets, cradles, and weigh-slings provided by the establishment are permitted. Please ensure correct use.

Rod Limitation: Maximum of 3 rods per angler.

Bait Boats: Bait boats are allowed, but use responsibly and respectfully, avoiding encroachment on other anglers’ water.

Line Requirement: Minimum 15lb main line required.

Line and Rig Restrictions:

  • No lead core or leaders of any description.
  • No braided line or shock leaders, except for use with marker or spod rods.
  • No fixed/bolt or tethered rigs allowed; safe rigs only.
  • No self-hooking mechanisms of any description.
  • A minimum of 18” tubing must be used with all rigs.

Bait Restrictions: House pellet and Particle only to be used on the fishery.

Hook Regulations: Barbless, crushed, or micro-barbed hooks only. No curved long shanked hooks.

Fish Handling:

  • No sacking or retaining of fish under any circumstances.
  • Always kneel for photos with fish; no standing allowed.
  • Ensure hook-links are unclipped, or mainline cut, before lifting the fish into the weigh sling and cradle.
  • Have weighing scales, iodine, and camera ready for use before lifting the fish from the water.
  • Treat hook holds or any wounds with Carp care kit provided.
  • Return all fish to the water ASAP, taking extra care in warm weather.

General Conduct:

  • Fishing permitted from designated swims only.
  • Never leave rods unattended.
  • Assistance is available 24/7 if needed.
  • Drunk or disorderly behavior risking safety or fish stock will result in termination of your holiday.
  • Respect other anglers at all times.
  • Consent for photo use by the establishment must be given.

These rules ensure the safety and well-being of our fish and promote responsible angling practices. Thank you for your cooperation.